Missouri Real Estate License Reciprocity
How to transfer your real estate license from another state to Missouri.
What is real estate license reciprocity? One may obtain a real estate license by reciprocity or mutual recognition if the person has a current license in another state. It basically means you would transfer your license without having to take some or all of the state’s pre-licensing requirements. Requirements for an of-state-real estate license vary by state.
Does Missouri have real estate reciprocity with other states?
Yes. Missouri has full real estate reciprocity with all states. Your out-of-state real estate license must be current and active. You will need to take an approved STATE portion of the Missouri salesperson exam and take the 24-hour Missouri Real Estate Practice (MREP) Course. You will not need to take the complete license course requirement that includes the 48 hour pre-license course.
Requirements to get a real estate license by reciprocity in Missouri:
- You must have a current and active license in another state.
- You must pass the Missouri state portion of the PSI real estate exam
- You must take and pass the 24-hour Missiouri Real Estate Practice Course (MREP course) .
- Apply for your broker license with the Missouri Real Estate Commission.
- A certificate (history) of licensure dated within 3 months from your out-of-state license must be submitted with your license application.
- Register for the fingerprinting \with the Missouri Automated Criminal History Site (MACHS) for a background check before license application.
- You may take a Missouri specific exam prep course for the PSI exam and MREP course.
References for real estate license by reciprocity in Kentucky:
Links for quick reference.
24-Hour Missouri Real Estate Practice Course
- Missouri Real Estate Exam by PSI – State portion only
- Exam Prep Course – Salespersons -State portion only
- Appication for Missouri real estate license
- Letter of good standing: Request from current state. Submit with application.
- Real estate exam website by PSI (Select Missouri portion only)
- PSI Candidate handbook for Missouri Real Estate (pdf) It contains instructions for the exam, number of questions per subject and other information.
- Fingerprinting background check by Identogo